Recruitment: The Solution
Imagine for a moment a world where every single legitimate introduction a recruiter makes to a client gets invited in for an interview. From the perspective of an employer who uses recruitment consultancies.
What would happen?
- You’d very quickly learn which recruiters you should work with and which ones you shouldn’t. More accountability.
- You’d very quickly be able to (have to) cut down the number of recruiters you use if you’re already using too many.
- The recruiters who currently send you 10 CV’s per vacancy would either have to start doing their jobs properly or find a new career elsewhere.
- You’d take away the over-reliance on searching for the best looking CV and instead be able to focus on identifying the best available applicant (who you might otherwise have rejected).
- You’d instantly wipe out the time and delay caused by the CV sifting back and forth between HR and line managers.
- You’d have more time to properly brief the recruiters you do use, which in turn improves the quality of introductions they make.
- Your employee brand would improve. Fewer people (many irrelevant) would be contacted about (and rejected by) your business.
- You’d quickly establish if you really are being unrealistic in what you’re asking for.
- You’d be demanding quality over quantity. Think of the time saving!
I’m trying to think of the drawbacks, but I’m genuinely struggling.
Anyway, enough day-dreaming, best get back to work…
Richard Hooper, Director