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Revenue Control Market Analysis 2019 - 20 05-Mar-20The results of our 2019 - 20 Revenue Control Market Analysis are in!!! A huge thank you to the 100+ Revenue Controllers/Managers who took the time out to contribute to the data. We’ve now crunched the numbers and compiled our report, which is freely available for download below. Our hope is that that report will primarily provide a rare resource for industry benchmarking within this niche, but the results also provide valuable information for managers to consider, and useful findings for those seeking to progress their career in this field. We would value any feedback and comments on the report, and please do get in touch if you would like to discuss the findings in further detail. THANK YOU Richard, Daniel & John Download the full report as a PDF document....
Legal Accounts Salary Survey 2020 06-Feb-20Our 2020 Legal Accounts Salary Survey is now live, and we again need to ask for your help in compiling the invaluable data, which allows us to produce the most comprehensive survey of its kind for this niche community. The legal accounts community continues to evolve rapidly, and keeping track of salary trends in such times is an ongoing challenge for employers and individuals alike. Alongside the emergence of new roles, we’ve also seen US firms investing heavily in growth in the UK, with competitive salaries driving up market rates. The survey takes only 2 minutes to complete, and is 100% confidential. We don’t ask for your name nor employer. As an added incentive, there is optional entry for participants to enter a prize draw to win a magnum of champagne. To complete the survey, please visit: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LegalAccountsSalarySurvey2020 The survey will close on 29th March, with the results published in the May/June issue of the Legal Abacus and on the Balance Recruitment website later in April. We’d be very grateful if you could also share this with your colleagues and peers, and encourage them to participate!...
Quarterly Market Update - Q4 2019 28-Jan-20Read our latest Quarterly Market Update for - hiring trends for law firm accountancy and finance systems roles. Download the full document in PDF by clicking here...
Revenue Control Survey 19-20 14-Nov-19Calling all Revenue Controllers. We need your help again for our next market survey. Please click here to complete survey. Thank you...
Quarterly Market Update Q3 2019 24-Oct-19Read our Quarterly Market Update for Q3 2019 - hiring trends for law firm accountancy and finance systems roles. Download the full document in PDF by clicking here...
Quarterly Market Update Q2 2019 16-Jul-19Read our Quarterly Market Update for Q2 2019 - hiring trends for law firm accountancy and finance systems roles. Download the full document in PDF by clicking here ...
Quarterly Market Update Q1 2019 14-May-19Read our Quarterly Market Update for Q1 2019 - hiring trends for law firm accountancy and finance systems roles. Download the full document in PDF by clicking here ...
Salary Survey 2019 05-Feb-19Our 2019 Legal Accounts Salary Survey is now live, and we again need to ask for your help in compiling the invaluable data, which allows us to produce the most comprehensive survey of its kind for this niche community. The legal accounts community has been evolving rapidly in recent years, and keeping track of salary trends in such times is an ongoing challenge for employers and individuals alike. Alongside the emergence of new roles, we’ve also seen a steady continuation in the distribution of legal finance teams across the UK as a number of London-based law firms migrate business support teams to lower-cost offices away from the capital. The survey is 100% confidential, and takes only 2 minutes to complete with a simple online questionnaire. As an added incentive, participants in this year’s survey have the option to enter a prize draw to win a magnum of champagne. To complete the survey, please visit: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/2019LegalAccounts The survey will close on 24th March 2019, with the results published in the May/June issue of the Legal Abacus and on the Balance Recruitment website later in April. We’d be very grateful if you could also share this with your colleagues and peers! ...
Revenue Control Market Analysis 2018 - 19 25-Jan-19Read our Revenue Control Market Analysis 2018 - 19 - providing a valuable insight in to the shared and individual experiences of those working within this niche market. Download the full report as a PDF document....
Quarterly Market Update Q4 2018 24-Jan-19Read our Quarterly Market Update for Q4 2018 - hiring trends for law firm accountancy and finance systems roles. Download the full copy as a PDF document here:...
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